The IR information (information for shareholders/investors) contained in this site is intended for the purpose of providing financial information and management information of OPTEX GROUP CO., LTD. and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Company") and does not constitute a solicitation for investments. Therefore when making actual investments, please be sure investments are made based solely on your own judgment. In no event will the Company or the provider of information on this site be liable for any losses you may incur based on the information contained in this site.
This site may not include all information that is disclosed by the Company or may contain expressions that differ from information disclosed by other means. Please also be advised that information contained in this site may change or be eliminated without prior notice.
Although the information provided on this site has been compiled with the utmost care, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy or the certainty of the information on this site. In no event will the Company be liable for any losses you may incur as a result of using or not being able to use the information provided in this site.
The information provided on this site may contain forward-looking statements, which have been compiled based on the information available at the time of compilation. However as a result of changes, such as those in the economic situation or in the market condition, actual future results may differ from these forecasts.
When considering factors such as the performance and corporate value of the Company, please refrain from making judgment based entirely on these forecasts.
This site, for the purpose of providing information to shareholders and investors, contains wide-ranging information, including disclosures to the press. Information contained herein may contain information falling within the definition of Material Information under Article 166, Paragraph 2 of the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan. In such cases, please be advised that until twelve hours have elapsed from the release of such information, such information may be subject to restrictions including restrictions on insider trading (as defined under Article 166, Paragraph 3 of the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan and Article 30 of the Enforcement Ordinance of the Securities and Exchange Law of Japan).